ATLANTA, GA, – Titan CEO and headline sponsor Wipfli LLP are pleased to announce Tino Mantella, President & CEO, Turknett Leadership Group (TLG), as a 2023 Georgia Titan 100, marking his second consecutive year receiving the recognition. The Titan 100 program recognizes Georgia’s Top 100 CEO’s & C-level executives. They are the area’s most accomplished business leaders in their industry using criteria that includes demonstrating exceptional leadership, vision, and passion. Collectively the 2023 Georgia Titan 100 and their companies employ upwards of 118,000 individuals and generate over $36 billion dollars in annual revenues. This year’s honorees will be published in a limited-edition Titan 100 book and profiled exclusively online. They will be honored at an awards ceremony on April 27th, 2023 and will be given the opportunity to interact and connect multiple times throughout the year with their fellow Titans.
“The Titan 100 are changing the way that business is done in Georgia. These preeminent leaders have built a distinguished reputation that is unrivaled and preeminent in their field. We proudly recognize the Titan 100 for their efforts to shape the future of the Georgia business community. Their achievements create a profound impact that makes an extraordinary difference for their customers and clients across the nation.” says Jaime Zawmon, President of Titan CEO.
Tino Mantella joined TLG as President and CEO in October of 2018. Over the course of his career, he has led some of the nation’s largest non-profit organizations as well as for-profit companies in diversified fields such as human and social services, health, and technology.
Under his guidance, the Technology Association of Georgia and the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago became the largest institutions of their kind in North America. His track record of accelerating impact related to the lives of people, the congruity of teams, and the effectiveness of organizations is evident in his nationally recognized reputation of being a versatile, innovative leader. His current focus is on seeing that TLG’s mission of ‘spreading leadership character around the globe’ is carried out to its fullest extent to impact a greater number of people and leaders.
“I am honored to again be selected as a Titan,” says Tino. “My experience participating in the 2022 program was enriching and rewarding. Most of all I appreciated the opportunity to meet and learn from the other Titans. I look forward to engaging with the class of ‘23’.”
Tino will be honored at the Titan 100 awards event on April 27th,2023 at Zoo Atlanta’s Savanna Hall. One of the city’s most treasured historic buildings, the 1921 building has been revitalized by Zoo Atlanta for its new life today. As home of the Atlanta Cyclorama for more than 90 years, the building is famous for its grand scale and neoclassical architecture. This unique cocktail-style awards event will gather 100 Titans of Industry and their guests for an evening unlike anything that exists in the Georgia business community.
“On behalf of all the partners and associates at Wipfli we congratulate all the Titan 100 winners. It’s an honor to recognize this diverse group of leaders in the Atlanta community. We appreciate the lasting impact each leader has made, and continues to make, in building organizations of significance both in Atlanta and abroad. Your ingenuity and creativity have set you apart, and the honor of being seen as an industry Titan is richly deserved,” says Bill Boucher, Partner at Wipfli.
About Turknett Leadership GroupTurknett Leadership Group (TLG) is a leadership development firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded by Bob and Lyn Turknett in 1987, TLG has been providing timely leadership development services for 35 years. The Turknett Leadership Character Model creates the foundation for all TLG service offerings. TLG has worked with thousands of individuals, teams, and companies to help them unleash their full potential. To learn more about Turknett Leadership Group and how we can help, please visit www.turknett.com.