Coaching FAQ
What are the steps in the typical coaching process?
Our coaching programs include assessment, feedback, and ongoing coaching that build self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership competence. All coaching integrates day to day work challenges into the process so that the work environment becomes a laboratory for growth.
What differentiates TLG from other coaching services?
Our methodologies are grounded in science and backed by years of experience. We have the capability to work with both large and small companies, and we are able to deliver results in quick turn-around situations.
Why should I or my organization invest in a coach or coaching program?
Whether you have obstacles to overcome, are in a new phase in your life or career, or you are at the top of your game and you want to keep your edge, everyone needs a coach. Outside perspectives are crucial to professional and personal growth.
How long will the program last?
Most engagements are 6 to 8 months. Since we customize our programs to respond to the client interests and needs, our coaching can be accelerated or extended.
How often will I meet with my coach?
Coaches typically meet with their clients every three to four weeks.
How long does each session usually last?
Each session typically runs between 60-90 minutes.
How does TLG assess development needs?
Initially, we listen and learn by talking with key stakeholders (e.g. the manager, HR, the boss). Once the program kicks off, we conduct a battery of assessments that are indicators of strength, personality, blind spots, and other assessments that provide the coach and the client with a comprehensive overview, enabling our talented coaches to optimize the client impact.
How would you match me with a coach?
We intimately understand the skills of our coaches. Our focus, therefore, is to go through a process of understanding the goals of the new client. They may be a CEO looking to build their company. They may be a high-potential who has been identified to move up the corporate ladder. Or it could be a person that needs to iron out blind spots. TLG takes the time to understand the needs by collecting data (through supervisors, HR, the client, etc.) to create the best match. Often there is a “Chemistry Call” between one or more potential TLG coaches and the prospective client.
How experienced are the TLG coaches?
All of our most senior coaches have each coached over 500 executives over the last 15 years. Many of our coaches have doctorates in psychology with expertise in organizational development.
What additional development materials do you provide?
We often give books or article copies to the client based on their needs. TED talks or other videos may be recommended. Coaches may be given access to a course on emotional intelligence or mindfulness as needed. There are also helpful homework forms and templates after each session that are in the notebook given to each coaches and are available online.
How do you measure coaching “success?”
Our primary tool to measure results is a follow-up 360-assessment done online and/or through feedback on follow-up interviews with the manager and/or HR.
What is your pricing?
Pricing is tiered and often depends on the type and the length of the engagement.
Do you have coaches for languages other than English?
Yes, TLG has the capability to supply a coach who can meet any need.
Succession Planning FAQ
What is succession planning?
Succession planning is a systematic process designed to:
- Identify key leadership positions and hard-to-fill positions.
- Identify the critical competencies that people in those positions require, identify new critical competencies required by strategic and business plans.
- Prepare pool of talent and key replacements to ensure the continued ability of an organization to meet its strategic goals and supporting objectives.
- Ensure continuity through documentation and knowledge and skill transfer – including tacit knowledge.
What does the typical succession planning process consist of?
The succession planning process is complex and varies on a case by case basis. Ultimately it is important that the succession strategy is linked to the overall business model, current strategic initiatives, and future planning. The basic succession management cycle consists of:
- Definition of strategy and competencies needed for the future talent review.
- High potential identification assessment and gap analysis.
- Development planning and leadership development.
How is succession planning different from replacement planning?
Replacement planning focuses solely on finding a candidate that is ready and able to fill a position immediately if someone were to leave the company for any number of reasons. While replacement planning is also important, it is different from succession planning.
Is succession planning necessary for smaller companies?
Succession planning is important for companies of all sizes. In some cases, it may be even more critical for smaller companies. These organizations tend to develop habits and grow accustomed to the structure. If there is a change in personnel, it is vital that the organization is prepared and able to sustain itself. Therefore, companies of all sizes need to pay attention to potential successors.
What assessment tools are used in the succession planning process?
The types of assessments used can vary depending on the level. Below are a few sample assessment tools that may be utilized:
- 360-Degree Feedback Hogan
- Leadership Potential Hogan
- Leadership Challenges Hogan
- Values & Preferences Watson Glaser
- Critical Thinking Life History/Leader Level interview (typically used at a higher level)
- Structured Behavioral Interview
- Home & Development Survey: assesses how likely someone is to derail based on certain qualities
- Learning Agility (generally used at a lower level)
- SHL OPQ Occupational Personality Test (typically used at the CEO level)
How do you recognize leadership potential?
Markers of potential are essential for senior leadership but more difficult to develop. Criteria includes:
- Learning Agility – ability to learn from experience, self-reflect and grow, adapt to change, etc.
- Social Skills – basic social ability and emotional intelligence.
- Demonstration of Values/Character – demonstration of the organization’s values; integrity and character.
- Motivation to Advance – high energy, wants to move to higher levels.
- Likelihood to Advance – ability to succeed at higher positions within a specified amount of time.