Vicki Abelson is dedicated to leadership development across all levels of an organization’s continuum. As a Certified Professional Coach, Vicki combines her 15 years of healthcare leadership experience with research proven methodologies to help leaders and organizations realize their biggest goals.
Vicki specializes in helping clients to understand themselves better, developing action plans that move beyond a to do list, and creating personalized and meaningful accountability that propels a leader forward.
Yoga, hiking, drinking coffee
Pizza, sushi, bagels with lox and cream cheese
Pride and Prejudice
The one I am currently watching
Fiction: Pride and Prejudice. Non Fiction: The Power of Habit
Wherever you go, there you are
Someone who is passionate about their career, who wants to grow, and who wants to see their team do amazing things.
Helping new leaders grow into progressively bigger and more impactful roles. Growing my own career from front desk employee to a senior leader within my department.
Cheerleading and being a calm presence.
You get out of life, what you put into it.
Kindness, purpose, and impact.