By Tino Mantella
TLG President & CEOThe Atlanta Business Chronicle (ABC) is a recognition machine, holding nominations throughout the year to recognize individuals and organizations in numerous categories, including 40 under Forty, Best Places to Work, and the HR Excellence awards, to name a few.
Turknett Leadership Group (TLG) was recently recognized by the ABC as one of 2022’s healthiest employers! While we’ve also been recognized for a few other awards this year, including the prestigious Bulldog 100, this honor makes me most proud. I have always felt that living a healthy lifestyle is key to happiness. We can live longer and be more vibrant along the way.
Over the years, TLG’s Founders, Bob & Lyn Turknett, with prompting from their Neurologist son Josh, have become advocates for healthy living. When I joined TLG in 2018, there wasn’t much for me to do except double down on what was already in place.
It Takes Discipline
If there was a single word I’d use to describe the challenges of being healthy, it’s discipline. Earlier in my career, I ran the world’s largest group of YMCAs. We were relentless when it came to tracking our membership numbers. Year after year, we saw an undeniable pattern: the largest membership month was always January! I understood why – everyone was fresh off their New Year’s resolutions, and fitness was generally top of the list.
Unfortunately, the biggest drop-off in membership, as you might have guessed, occurred in the months of February and March. The member’s euphoria of having a fitness goal met with the reality that they actually have to work at it led many to abandon their commitments.
I hope this small dose of reality will inspire those on the fence to commit, or if you already have, double down on living a healthy lifestyle. As mom always said – it’s good for you!
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