Assessments Catalog

Every Tool You Need in One Place

TLG features a wide variety of individual and personality assessments, including numerous 360 feedback tools that give your organization the edge.

High-level 360 Feedback Tools

TLG Multi-Source Feedback® (360 Feedback):

Participants receive the most helpful 360-degree feedback when ratings are completely confidential, and the results are used only for developmental purposes. We administer all our 360-feedback instruments online and completely manage the process in-house to protect confidentiality. When used in our executive coaching programs, the coach and the person being assessed are the only people who see the 360-feedback results.

TLG 360®:

The TLG 360® is primarily used in our leadership and executive coaching programs to help executives understand their strengths and areas for growth. It is a validated assessment that covers 55 dimensions comprising TLGʼs Five Factors of Effective Leadership: Disciplined Execution, Building Relationships, Strategic Thinking, Inspirational Character, and Developing Others.

Leadership Character 360® (LC 360®):

The LC 360® is a multi-source version of the Leadership Character Profile. It is often used in conjunction with Leadership Character Workshops and in accelerated coaching engagements.

Follow-Up 360:

The Follow-Up 360 measures the main areas of improvement an individual has chosen to focus on in their coaching program.

Group 360:

Available for organizations or teams who have had a cohort complete the TLG 360® or LC 360® assessment.

Individual and Personality Assessments

Turknett Leadership Character Profile® (LCP):

The LCP is a statistically validated tool designed to assess leadership strengths and weaknesses against the Leadership Character Model. The summary report includes extensive developmental feedback.

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory® (MBTI):

The MBTI is a personality preference inventory used in individual and team settings to help individuals gain insight into their behaviors.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory® (TKI):

The TKI assesses an individual’s conflict style. It is often used in team settings to help people better understand their behavior in relation to others, and to help facilitate more productive conflict modes. 

Sigma® Leadership Development Report (LDR):

The LDR is a powerful, objective assessment that provides insight into a leader’s work-oriented personality and helps them to increase their overall effectiveness.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS):

A personality inventory designed to indicate risk factors that tend to impede work performance. The risk factors identify specific performance challenges that may be linked to validated competencies of the job.

Additional Assessments Available:

Additional Assessments might include Elite Intellect Profile, Birkman, Everything DiSC®, HBDI Whole Brain® System, Talentx7®, Hogan MVPI, HPI, 16pf®, OPQ32r, MESCEIT, e-Test®, etc.

Want to Know More?

Contact us today to ask us about any one of our many assessment tools!