The Cascading Effects of Coaching for Personal Change Expand Further Than Just to the Individual
Coaching for Personal Change (CPC) is a highly involved program designed for valued leaders who are encountering one or more blind spots preventing them from being successful in their current role or from being promotable.

The Ultimate Program for Behavioral Change.
CPC is an intensive engagement and requires more direct involvement of the participant’s manager or governing board.
The program is customized to the situation and needs of the individual, but typically consists of eleven confidential sessions with one of our seasoned executive coaches over an 8-10 month period. The process includes a full battery of assessments, feedback, coaching, and observations.
Overall Goals for the Participant
Coaching for Personal Change helps leaders:
- Gain new insights about their management style, interpersonal skills, leadership competencies, and their overall impact in the organization.
- Identify and change ineffective and inappropriate behaviors, including “blind spots” that are apparent from the assessment data.
- Develop new, more effective leadership capabilities.
- Improve overall performance.
- Enhance career prospects.
- Rebuild working relationships across the organization.

- The organization retains valuable leadership talent who might otherwise derail.
- Become aware of “blind spots” and the dysfunctional effects of ineffective/inappropriate behavior and skills.
- Change behaviors and acquire new skills through one-on-one professional, third party coaching, mentoring, and counseling in a nonthreatening and objective setting.
- Improved productivity, working relationships, and teamwork.
- Learn new employee development techniques, including effective coaching skills.
- The organization demonstrates support for valued employees by investing in their development.
One thing that stands out about TLG is that they take the time to truly understand the company. They recognize that having a good feel for the organization is a key factor in a successful coaching engagement. And we trust their coaching process and their professionalism.
– Rock Anderson, Former CHRO, AutoNation
Want to Know More?
Contact us today to learn more about how CPC can help leaders level-up their effectiveness and on-the-job performance.