By Laurie Arron
TLG Strategic Partner and Executive Coach, Arron CoachingAs leaders, it’s crucial to explore new ways to drive improvement in ourselves and in our teams, especially in hybrid and remote work environments. However, it can be all too easy (and convenient) to fall back into outdated methods that aren’t necessarily effective.
“What got you here, won’t get you there.” – Marshall Goldsmith
Here are 5 ways to avoid falling back into ineffective leadership patterns:
Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses
We should constantly be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of our team members. This self-awareness will help us avoid falling back into old leadership patterns that may no longer be effective. It will allow us to be open to new ways and uncover what works best for us and our team.
It’s Okay to Fail
Create an environment where it’s okay to fail. This means that people aren’t afraid to experiment and try new things, because they know that there is no shame in failure – only in not trying at all. This sort of environment can be created simply by having a leader who is willing to take risks themselves and model that behavior for their team.
Understand What Doesn’t Work
Take the time to understand what doesn’t work and be open to trying new methods, even if they don’t seem like they’ll work at first. It’s important to remember that not everything will be successful AND that’s okay – it’s still progress!
Think Outside The Box
One way to encourage this behavior is to provide opportunities for people to explore ideas that are creative and unusual, without fear of failure. It’s important to have open discussions about the ways that things could be done differently – and follow through on those ideas.
Push Past Your Limits
Limits are often imposed by our own minds and serve as nothing more than self-imposed roadblocks. In order to grow, seize opportunities and achieve success, it’s important to push past these limits and expand our abilities. By doing so you’ll not only improve your own performance but also inspire your team to do the same.
After 27+ years at a Fortune 10 company in senior leadership roles and serving as a Chief of Staff, I’ve learned that it’s only through courage that we can achieve true greatness as leaders and as a team.