Meet Calandria Lee, Talent Management Manager at Georgia Power Company. Calandria has been a part of Georgia Power Company for 14 years. We caught up with her to ask a few questions for our inaugural client spotlight!
1.) What are you passionate about in your role at Southern Company? What about outside of work?
My role as Talent Management Manager is to help accelerate leadership readiness. We help train all levels of leaders, including existing, emerging, and the leadership pipeline. I’m passionate about being able to prepare, develop and position our leaders for success. I love to see when they have that lightbulb moment that has a lasting impact on them, and those they lead.
Outside of work, I am most passionate about my family, the backbone of my whole world. Most of my family lives within a ten-mile radius of one another. I love being able to make so many memories with them. I am who I am today because of the sacrifices my parents made. They both taught me the value of community and public service. As a member of the Stone Mountain Lithonia Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. I am involved with EMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence). The EMBODI program is designed to improve the plight of African American young men. We provide male role models and share our own experiences to help them develop.
2.) Tell us a little bit about your current project with TLG. How is TLG helping Southern Co. reach their goals?
Our current project is collaborative coaching (like group coaching). The intent is to provide our tenured leaders an opportunity to upskill and enhance their leadership skills through self-discovery, peer and individual coaching. Our leaders spend a lot of time developing others, and this program ensures they can work on their own leadership skills and fine-tune their competencies. Our partnership with TLG is helping us to develop our leaders so that they are ready for the challenges they will face and preparing the next generation of leaders.
3.) Why TLG?
We’ve had a strong partnership with TLG for many years. We started out by sponsoring their Women in Leadership Signature Series. Over time, we had cultivated the relationship with Tino and the founders, Bob and Lyn, and realized the impact they were making in the leadership development space. We value being able to partner with a group like TLG. Our partnership allows us to upskill our leaders in a way that prepares them to excel in delivering results for customers and leading our company into a new energy era.
4.) Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I have just recently traveled to Egypt. It was so remarkable to experience the rich history of the country and the continent. Seeing the pyramids and the monuments takes your breath away.
We’d like to give a special thank-you to Calandria for giving us her time to be spotlighted! Want to be a part of our monthly client spotlight? Reach out to us by contacting Jonathan Palombo, Marketing Manager, at jpalombo@turknett.com.
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